In stock. Ordered before 5pm, delivered the next business day. Probes, sensors, and detectors Maxim - DS18B20+ temperature sensor Maxim DS18B20+ CHF4.90 Single wire temperature probe 1-wire DS18B20+ composed of a temperature sensor, an analogue-digital converter, an 8-byte memory storage area and a 3-byte EEPROM. Add to cart
In stock. Ordered before 5pm, delivered the next working day Adaptors, cables, transformers Athom - Adaptateur Ethernet Homey Pro (Early 2023) Athom (Homey) HOMEYPRO_ETH_ADAPTER CHF29.90 Connect Homey Pro (Early 2023) to your wired Ethernet LAN with the Homey Pro Ethernet Adapter. Add to cart
In stock. Ordered before 5pm, delivered the next working day Smarthome Hub Delta Dore - tydom 2.0 Delta Dore 6414118 CHF573.00 Delta Dore TYDOM 2.0 IP GSM home automation transmitter for TYXAL+ alarm system allowing alarm transmission via the Tydom web application and by GSM with voice calls and SMS. Add to cart
In stock. Ordered before 5pm, delivered the next business day. DIN-Modules Trio2Sys - Modular 1-channel LED counting EnOcean receiver TRIO2SYS 10020106 CHF81.00 The 1-channel modular receiver receives and processes radio signals from transmitters or sensors within its range to switch LED and compact fluorescent lighting loads. Add to cart
In stock. Ordered before 5pm, delivered the next business day. Monitoring consumption Trio2Sys - Modular 2-channel LED counting receiver TRIO2SYS 10020107 CHF99.00 The 2 channel modular receiver receives and processes radio signals from transmitters or sensors within its range to switch LED and compact fluorescent lighting loads. Add to cart
In stock. Ordered before 5pm, delivered the next business day. DIN-Modules Trio2Sys - Modular 4-channel LED EnOcean counting receiver TRIO2SYS 10020110 CHF115.00 The 4-channel modular receiver receives and processes radio signals from transmitters or sensors within its range to switch LED and compact fluorescent lighting loads. Add to cart
In stock. Ordered before 5pm, delivered the next business day. DIN-Modules Trio2sys - Modular 1-channel mixed EnOcean radio receiver TRIO2SYS 10020093 CHF134.00 The mixed remote switch receiver is used to switch various electrical devices from wired pushbuttons or from EnOcean wireless switches. Add to cart
In stock. Ordered before 5pm, delivered the next business day. DIN-Modules Trio2sys - Modular 1-channel mixed EnOcean radio timer receiver TRIO2SYS 10020094 CHF149.00 The ENOCEAN 1-channel modular mixed remote switch receiver with timer is used to switch various 230V load electrical devices from an ENOCEAN radio transmitter or sensor without batteries and wires or wired push button Add to cart
In stock. Ordered before 5pm, delivered the next business day. Monitoring consumption Trio2sys - Modular 1-channel 16A EnOcean receiver TRIO2SYS 10020118 CHF110.00 The 1-channel 16A modular receiver receives and processes radio signals from transmitters or sensors within its range to switch large electrical loads. Add to cart
On order Probes, sensors, and detectors Trio2sys - EnOcean multisensor TRIO2SYS 10040026 CHF172.00 The multi-sensor is designed to measure temperature, humidity, brightness, acceleration and magnetic contact. Add to cart
In stock. Ordered before 5pm, delivered on the next business day Thermostatic heads MClimate - Thermostatic head VICKY LoRaWAN (Batteries included) MClimate MCL-WV02 CHF110.00 Vicki from MClimate is a smart thermostatic head that allows you to remotely control every heating unit in a building. Add to cart
Lixee LIXEE - LoRaGate USB LoRaWAN Modem (Jeedom compatible) Lixee LORAMODEM_1.0 CHF45.40 LoRaGate is a simple LoRaWAN modem. Thanks to the AT command sending (see documentation), you can connect and communicate on your private or public LoRaWAN network. Add to cart